As Evidence-Based Program Coordinator:
• Conduct leader training to expand evidence-based wellness programs throughout the service area.
• Develop local partnerships and promote programs throughout the service area.
• Conduct evidence-based classes as scheduled throughout the agency service area
As Nutrition Coordinator:
• Monitors food cost, fiscal, perpetual inventory, and other subcontractor's records as needed in order to achieve program goals and maintain program standards.
• Provides technical assistance to subcontractors and site personnel in food safety, perpetual inventory, record keeping, supportive services, and any area where site is having problems.
• Evaluates subcontractor's performance in delivering nutrition services to seniors.
• Works with community groups who directly or indirectly support the senior nutrition program.
• Trains new site managers and cooks in the senior nutrition program regulations and operation.
• Provides technical assistance to assigned Subcontractors on budgeting, personnel management and resource development.
• Assists Nutrition Program Director in assigned tasks, including but not limited to tasks such as menu, recipe and buying guide development, program planning and budgeting, compiling records and in-service training for site personnel.
• Conducts and advises site managers on nutrition education activities.
As Fresh Conversation Facilitator:
• Recruit and train volunteer’s facilitators for monthly Fresh Conversations meetings at participating meal sites as assigned.
• Provide technical assistance to meal site facilitators to prepare for monthly education meetings.
• Assist in annual training to facilitators.
• Conduct monthly meetings if facilitator has not been identified.
1. Job skills such as use of printer, multi-line phone system and copy machine.
2. Strong math and computer skills including use of Microsoft Office products: Outlook, Word, Excel and Access, and web software, Facebook, and Twitter.
3. Proven oral and written communication skills; Ability to communicate effectively with individuals and community organizations, especially older adults in person, in writing, and on the telephone.
4. Strong planning and organizational skills, and ability to work independently and in teams and groups, working as a participant and leader as situation requires.
5. Capability to gather and enter data, and aptitude in judgment when applying/interpreting agency policies and procedures or solving problems.
6. Knowledge of community resources, working knowledge of and adherence to applicable federal / state regulations including, but not limited to, laws related to food safety, patient confidentiality, release of information, and HIPAA.
7. Working knowledge of the purpose and mission of area agency on aging and aging and disability resource coordination center.
8. Strong interpersonal skills to relate to diverse cultures, older persons and their caregivers.
9. Ability to build effective collaborations and partnerships using diplomacy and tact.